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Product Type : Board Games

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In Blaze, players try to get rid of their cards, but have to achieve this in an extremely clever and very unusual way. The player whose turn it is plays together with the second next player, which leads to constantly changing alliances. In the end, the player who collects the most feathers wins.

Blaze is designed for at least three players and based on the classic Russian public domain game Durak.

To stay true to the game's origins, Russian artist Nadezhda Mikryukova has illustrated the legendary firebirds and the decorative card frames of Blaze in a classic illustration style.

We have a 15 day refund policy on sealed or unused new products. The return must be accompanied by a receipt from our store. If a receipt cannot be provided store credit will be provided at the lowest sale price within the past 6 months.

Any products that are bought used can only be returned if they are found to be defective or not as described when purchased. These items may be returned, but only before leaving the store. It is recommended that buyers inspect any used games thoroughly before purchasing to find anything that was potentially missed during the store's initial inspection upon acquiring the game.